The Blessing of Debt
It is with some risk that I bring up this subject. I find it
interesting that in a culture that is drowning in debt people are afraid to
talk about it let alone see that there is a blessing somewhere. In my opinion, church
culture is not very different. Although there is a lot of teaching on the need
to get out of debt there is little appreciation that debt can produce a
Some years ago I was
involved in a church that placed debt free living right up there with personal
salvation. We were told that the Bible teaches that financial freedom was the
goal. Those of us who were raising a family and living near the poverty level
began to feel like second class Christians. The financial demands of mortgage,
car loan, groceries, clothes and school supplies overruled any luxury items.
The bills kept piling up and the debt increased. The guilt and shame
overshadowed any hope of financial freedom.
Where is the blessing? It came when I realized that without
the Lord’s help, my struggle would be in vain. Because at the time I had little
control over income or expenses, my dependency was not on myself but on the
Lord who is my provider. What I started to learn was that all good gifts come
from God. The air I breathe, the job I have, the money I make all come from
Him. He is my source! That revelation alone has empowered me to walk through
the valley of debt and experience the freedom, including financial, that comes
from Him.
One time I preached on the Blessing of Debt. It happened to
be in the same church that promoted financial freedom. I was not surprised to
get a lot of blowback from people who couldn’t see the blessing. As often
happens in church life, we focus so hard on one issue that we are blind to what
God is doing in other areas of our life.
If you are in financial debt, I encourage you to ask the
Lord to show you the blessing. Let Him speak to your heart and open your eyes
to the joy of being released from the guilt and shame of trying to do it on
your own. He wants you to be free. “Let us also lay aside every encumbrance and
the sin which so easily entangles us, and let us run with endurance the race
that is set before us, fixing our eyes on Jesus.”
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