Monday, March 5, 2018

Cabin Fever

Cabin Fever

Growing up in the northern climate, I enjoy four seasons of the year. My favorite is fall with its relief of summer heat and vibrant colors. Winter, on the other hand, with all it’s quiet beauty and dormancy, leaves me with a longing for spring. Four distinct seasons immerse me in the vitality of life.

Many years ago, when Judy and I ran a ski lodge here in the Bridger Mountains of Montana, we had an unforgettable winter. With over four hundred inches of snow that winter, we lived in a winter wonderland. It was after the Holiday Season when all the guests were gone that we both got the flu. Sick as dogs with no other responsibilities than to care for our new born son, we hunkered down for some cold winter nights. By the third day, there was so much snow on the metal roof of our log cabin home that it avalanched covering all the windows and doors. We were entombed!

With no sunlight, we didn’t know what the outside world looked like. For three days we sat, slept, coughed, consoled one another and cared for our baby boy. Finally, I had enough strength to grab a shovel, open the door and start searching for the outside world. It took awhile but I broke through to daylight. One by one the windows were cleared. We were once again among the living.

This winter I write after about six weeks of illness: two trips to the ER; two separate weekends in the hospital; and two weeks at home on oxygen and steroids. The doctor said I am going to be just fine. This has been my winter of discontent. I still have an eye for the beauty and stillness that winter brings but I eagerly await the signs of spring.

Oh, by the way for those who have never experienced cabin fever here in the dictionary definition: irritability, listlessness, and similar symptoms resulting from long confinement or isolation indoors during winter!

That’s me.

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