Monday, April 23, 2018



It’s been a long time since I was a trainee. Having served as a pastor for almost half a century, I am well versed in the job requirements. Almost all of my pastoral job description is a well-worn path of routine. Why would I want to venture off and take on something new?

Well, not exactly something unfamiliar. Last month I approached the lead chaplain of our local hospital about applying as a volunteer chaplain. At it is, I spend a fair amount of time running up to the emergency room or visiting sick people. Not to mention my two weekends in the hospital this past winter.

I discovered that there is a hospital protocol to be a volunteer chaplain. I had to submit my medical records as well as my educational degrees. When asked about those degrees, I was at a loss to produce them. Where had I stored those certificates. I am not one to hang them on the wall. After an intense search I found them at the bottom of a storage box high on a shelf in the garage. Now I am eligible for indoctrination into hospital protocol.

I attended my first chaplains staff meeting. I met six other men and women on the chaplain staff. Listening to their on-call experiences made me wonder if I am really up for the task. Nothing like a new challenge to stretch you!

Many years ago, at the beginning of my ministry, I served on a team of pastors who were chaplains of two large metro hospitals as well as a number of nursing homes. As a young man this experience was a real eye opener to what sick and dying people and their care givers face on a daily basis.

I am excited to start this new adventure in ministry. I continue to serve as senior pastor of our local church and on an apostolic team giving oversight to local churches.

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