Monday, October 22, 2018



I didn’t start drinking coffee until I was twenty-one. Come to think of it, that was about the same time I started drinking beer. There may be a corollary there, but I don’t remember. I considered coffee to be an old man’s drink: something you did in the morning to wake up and get the bowels moving. That’s why I stayed away from it for so long; I didn’t have trouble with either.

Now I have a daily habit of one cup of coffee right after I get up. While I am waiting for our dog to finish his breakfast, Purina with a little fish oil in it, I fire up my Keurig coffee maker. One cup with my Bible reading is just enough to get the day started.

I like my coffee dark roast with no sugar or cream. I have tried all kinds of fancy coffee drinks: Cappuccinos, Lattes, Mochas and Expressos. Just plain dark brew is fine with me. Besides being convenient right at home, it is also a lot cheaper.

Speaking of which, there are as many coffee shops in Bozeman as there are brew pubs. Not long ago if you wanted Starbucks coffee you had to drive all the way to Seattle. Now there are at least a half dozen in town. Also, there is City Brew, Cold Smoke, Zocalo, Rockford, Wild Joe’s, Wild Crumb, and Café M to name a few. I have been to them all, but none is as good as my cup of home brew.

I still do a fair amount of visiting at local coffee shops. At least once a week I meet someone to catch up on life or hand out free advice. I know which places have the best pastries and are quiet enough to hear what my friend is saying.

Recently I saw an online quote that sums up my long-standing relationship with coffee. It has the ring of truth to it. “Sometimes having coffee with your best friend is all the therapy you need.”

Well said!

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