Monday, October 19, 2015


For years people have asked me to write a book about my experiences in the ministry. Apparently, some feel that my journey from being a Catholic priest to an Episcopal priest to pastoring in non-denominational church life would be of interest. I confess that I don’t have the interest or gifting to share my life in a book.
Interestingly enough, this past year, there was a lady who asked to write a book about me. I turned her down several times but finally agreed to a series of interviews. We met in a local coffee shop. Being a good interviewer, she asked questions that forced me to bring back to remembrance my years of trying to follow God. The more questions she asked the more uneasy I became. Why was I struggling so much?
At my age, looking back at the past can be a mixed blessing. Although, I know that God ordered my steps, I carried the guilt and shame of dragging Judy and my kids through some painful situations. Until these interviews I did not realize the impact of these emotions on my life. During my last interview, I suddenly saw that the collateral damage that I though I caused was my problem not my family’s. With that revelation came a release of guilt and shame.
Although, the book is not written and may never be, the process of looking back and seeing God’s goodness every step of the way is more than enough reward. This is a good reminder that my view and God’s view of life may be and often are two different things. The Bible says, “He knows us better than we know ourselves…That’s why we can be so sure that every detail in our lives of love for God is worked into something good.”
Now that I am released from the guilt and shame of the past, I am free to share my life with you, my blog readers. I have been writing weekly for little over a year. I hope you have had as much fun reading them as I have had writing them. Thank you for your encouraging responses. I will keep at it as long as I have stories to share.

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