Monday, December 26, 2016

Orange Cords

Orange Cords

When I was in high school back in the 60’s, I got into clothes. I was tired of lined jeans and flannel shirts. The crowd I was hanging around started dressing nice: white long sleeve shirts, bell-bottom pants and white suede shoes. I think Elvis had something to do with setting our dress code. The girls started taking notice of my handsome appearance.

That Christmas I had only one wish. I wanted a pair of orange corduroy pants that I saw advertised in a department store. I could envision myself strutting down the school halls in my orange cords with everybody turning their heads wondering who was that dapperly dressed guy. In my dreams!

I started hinting to my parents about the only thing I wanted for Christmas, those orange cords. Being one of a number of siblings, I had to think of creative ways to make sure mom heard what was going to be the most important gift this Christmas. I was positive that she got the message and had my gift already bought, wrapped and under the tree.

I think everybody at some point in their life is disappointed when they unwrap a Christmas gift. I can't put into words how disappointed I was when the orange cords weren’t there. I couldn't believe it. Didn't mom hear me? I only asked for one thing and it wasn't even that expensive. I was so upset I don't even remember what present I did get.

I never got to wear orange corduroys. Of all the Christmas’ I have enjoyed, I still remember a gift desired but not received. Reflecting back on that disappointment, I see that life has a lot more to offer than an unfulfilled desire. I also have learned that often there is more joy in giving than receiving. I embrace what the Bible says: “God loves it when the giver delights in the giving.”

 Merry Christmas and a Blessed New Year.

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