Monday, March 20, 2017

Moral of The Tale of the Moose

Moral of The Tale of the Moose

It was ten years after the death of the Moose that the moral of this tale could be told. By then the events of that autumn day was nothing more than a good story told around campfires where tall tales are spun. But this story doesn't end there. Like many a good yarn there is a lesson to be learned.

While attending a leaders conference, one of poachers was challenged by the speaker quoting a verse from the Book of Proverbs: “A good name is to be more desired than great wealth.” Those attending were asked to take a moment to ask God if there was anything from their past that would tarnish their good name. With head bowed and eyes closed, suddenly that moose floating in the pond appeared.

How could it be that after all this time that moose, once dead, had come back to life. For several weeks there was an internal struggle of how to deal with this dastardly deed that tarnished a good name. Finally, a letter was written to the state wildlife management confessing what happened that day.

After an agonizing wait an acknowledgment was received from the authorities. The letter stated that the statue of limitations had run out for the poaching violation. There was a strong warning that if this were to ever happen again there would be serious consequences. No doubt there would be.

By now the reader can guess who is the culprit in this story. It is I! These many years later I look back and wonder what in the world was I thinking when I pulled the trigger. It wasn't the excitement of the hunt. There was no hunt; just an unfortunate opportunity to make a bad decision. I thank the Lord for not letting me get away with it. Since then I have hunted many a critter but always with a legal tag.

The Bible says: “ If we confess our sins, He will forgive our sins and purge us of all wrongdoing.” Amen!

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