Monday, November 6, 2017

Remote Starter

 Remote Starter

My first car was a grey 1952 Chevy two door. It was long and sleek with an exterior metal visor over the windshield. When you popped the hood, there was enough room to crawl in with the engine not like today where there isn’t any unused space. The stick shift was on the steering column; no power steering or power brakes. This beauty had two crank down windows and two wing vents; no air conditioning. The radio was a wood box that sat on the front seat with one wire going to the exterior antenna and another one to the battery; no FM or satellite radio.

It was the car I remember best because it was my first. It was my ticket to mobility; no more biking or hitch hiking. My dad bought it for me and taught me how to take care of it: filling the gas tank, checking the oil and tire pressure. When it came time to trade it in, my dad had this advice: don’t by a car with power windows because they will break and don’t buy cheap tires. For years I didn’t buy cars with power windows and to this day I buy quality tires.

The reason I mention this is because I recently had a remote starter installed in my truck. My 2002 Chevy needed a tune up, new starter and battery. My sons suggested I have a remote starter installed as well. I have friends who swear by this modern convenience. Living where I live, starting my truck from inside my front door in winter is indeed a luxury.

I can’t help but wonder what my dad would say. He lived long enough to use a computer and a cell phone. Eventually he didn’t heed his own advice and bought nice cars with power windows and factory air. I wonder what he would have thought about heated seats, power everything and a remote starter.

Funny how technology changes one’s ideas about life. I was happy with that ’52 Chevy. Now I wonder if I can live without my remote starter. I need to check around and see if they have invented a remote starter that will get me out of my warm bed on those cold, winter mornings.

All I have to do now is remember where I put that key chain with the remote starter button on it!

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