Monday, October 30, 2017



Don’t recognize the name? Unless you are a hunter or a gun enthusiast, you don’t have reason to know. Hoppe’s is a liquid powder solvent that is used to clean guns and rifles. It has a distinct odor that permeates a room. It is the fragrance of choice for hunters and gun owners.

Why write a blog about Hoppe’s? Every time I open that bottle and get a whiff, the memory of my first hunting trip floods my mind. I was about eight years old when my dad took me bird hunting. All, I remember about that trip was the smell of Hoppe’s gun solvent and several dead pheasants. What I didn’t realize was that was the beginning of a life long love of hunting

As I age, I am amazed what triggers memories from the past. Remembering my first exposure to hunting comes in the form of an aroma of gun solvent. Over the years I have cleaned a lot of firearms and every time I open that bottle of solvent I see my dad standing in his hunting clothes with shotgun in hand. That was the only time I went hunting with him.

I love hunting. I am fortunate to live where hunting is a way of life. As soon as the aspen leaves start falling, it’s time to gather the gear, clean the rifles and plan the hunt. Over the years I have hunted deer, antelope, moose, bear, pheasants, Hungarian partridge and sage grouse. In the off-season gopher and prairie dog hunting keep my trigger finger happy.

Yes, I have passed the joy of hunting onto my three sons. We don’t hunt together often because of work and family obligations. Whenever they can break away, we head for the mountains, rifles in hand. I look forward to the opportunity to make hunting memories with my grandsons.

A big thanks to Hoppe’s for a sweet bouquet of memories!

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