Monday, December 10, 2018



My seminary training included a homiletics course. Homiletics is the art of preaching. Our professor would assign us a theological or biblical topic and we would have to stand up in front of the class and preach. I need to tell you that it was more terrifying than high school Speech 101. It never dawned on me that if I was going to be a pastor, I needed to get over the fear of speaking before a congregation.

Over the years I became more confident. I progressed from a five-minute homily to a forty-five minute sermon. Most of the time, people stay awake but here are some exceptions. I still have a little stage fright as I stand in the pulpit. I am not one to use props when preaching. To me it was more a distraction than a help. Eventually I got used to using an overhead projector and now Power Point. My goal is to keep things simple.

There is an exception that stands out in my mind. One Sunday, a guest speaker coerced me into being a living prop. He taught from the book of Jeremiah where the prophet was instructed to go to the potter’s house. Somehow, he convinced me to dress as a lump of clay. This meant putting on a large pair of women’s nylons, stuffing pillows and a blanket into my clothing so that I would look like a lump of clay.

The congregation’s response in seeing me appear in a pair of nylons and three times my normal size was worth the price of admission. As I remember the teaching was well received and my popularity as a lump of clay was greatly enhanced. My new identity was Pastor Lumpy.

 There are times I feel like that lump of clay on the potter’s wheel. Just as my life is coming together, the Lord would say, “It’s about time for you to get back on that wheel for I have more shaping in mind for you. We need to get rid of those lumps”

A cracked pot I am not!

1 comment:

  1. You are absolutely the genuine thing! Love you a pastor Dan!
