Monday, April 22, 2019

Jelly Beans

Jelly Beans

I write this blog on Good Friday afternoon surrounded by multicolored plastic Easter eggs filled with jelly beans. After filling the eggs with the help of the grandchildren, we are ready for the annual Easter egg hunt following the Easter Sunday service at church.

I was hoping that we could pass on this year’s hunt since the number of children who can participate has diminished. But the Easter egg mom (Judy) said we are definitely having it! It’s not that I don’t like watching the kids run all over the church lawn looking for plastic eggs. It’s what happens when I start filling those eggs with jelly beans.

I am a confessed sugar-holic. It takes about twelve bags of jelly beans to fill the plastic eggs. So, there is time and tasting involved. Each year I tell myself that I am going to exercise discipline and not eat one jelly bean. Well, you know how that works. The night before we started the project, I kept eying the bags of jelly beans. After struggling with my conscience, I grabbed a bag, brought in the TV room and told Judy this was our dessert. So much for self-control.

Oh, I forgot to mention that we couldn’t find the tub of plastic eggs that we recycle each year. I looked all over the church and couldn’t find it. I later discovered that the tub was destroyed in the shed fire at church last fall. For sure I thought that was divine intervention. Miss Judy said no problem, Walmart has a huge selection.

When I was a child, our family spend most of Good Friday in church. It was my parent’s insistence that we be good Christians and focus on the suffering of Jesus. That service lasted three hours. For a child that is a long time to spend in church. All these years later, I confess that it was time well spent. At least in comparison to gouging myself with jelly beans.

A Blessed Easter to all. I hope you all went to church of Easter Sunday. Don’t forget to eat your jelly beans.

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