Monday, May 3, 2021

Blogged Out


Blogged Out


That’s right. This is the last Mangy Moose blog entry. When I started writing the blog my intention was to put down life experiences that might be of interest of family and friends. Although there have been times when I wandered from this theme into areas of social commentary, I tried to maintain balance, always with a dash of humor.


My first Mangy Moose blog was back in November of 2014. Since then, I published a weekly blog without missing a single Monday morning. Through up and down times of home and church life as well as spontaneous insights from the Lord, I enjoyed sharing with you, life lived here in Montana.


Often, I am asked “why don’t you make the blog into a book?” I confess I have an aversion to the idea of writing a book about myself. The real question is “who would read it?” Anyway, it is a heck of a lot easier to come up with a one page than a book.


In preparation for this last blog, I went back and counted how many I wrote. The total is 343 blogs over a period seventy-two months (6 ½ years). That’s a lot of words even for the Mangy Moose.


I want to say a big thank you to my family (siblings and children) who were my greatest fans. Also, to friends and friends of friends who faithfully logged on to Facebook every Monday morning to read the musings of the Mangy Moose. It has been a joy to share life with  you. Thanks for your support and comments.


The Mangy Moose!