Monday, September 7, 2015

One Eyed Man

One Eyed Man
For all the Latin scholars: “In regione caecorum rex est luscus.” Erasmus, a 16th century scholar penned these words: “in the land of the blind, the one eyed man is king.” This proverb has been often quoted to describe a person with limited talent or ability but by temperament or personality stands out in the crowd.
Earlier this spring, at a college graduation, former President George W. Bush encouraged his audience by stating that even a C average student can be president. I was impressed that this man regardless of political ideology was candid enough to admit his own limitations in a crowd of academics. A sign of maturity is the ability accurately evaluate oneself and then laugh.
Our country is entering another electoral season. It seems that we barely finished the last round of debates and primaries. Could it be said that political campaigning is now our national pastime? Polling has become the new barometer of our national health. The parade of women and men aspiring for public office flood us with words and ideas that are near impossible to decipher let alone believe. By the time the last ballot is cast, our whole nation is near exhaustion.
There may be little we can do to change our constitutional system. Yet, there are ways to discern the character and words of those who desire public office. Our history often reminds us that men and women of limited education and talent but of strong character and conviction do change the course of our country. Let us not be distracted by the bells and whistles of political correctness when our future is at stake. When the smoke and mirrors of the elite blind our common sense, let people who can discern with only one eye rule the land.
The Bible reminds us, “When a country is in chaos, everybody has a plan to fix it. But it takes a leader of real understanding to straighten things out.”

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