Monday, April 30, 2018

Hearing Aids

Hearing Aids

My great aunt wore hearing aids. Back in those days, hearing aids were considered a new-fangled invention. Two ear plugs connected by wire to a small box containing a battery for amplification. She was small in stature and portly and often hid her hearing aid box in her bosom. She died sitting on the toilet with her hearing aids on.

In old age my father had a severe hearing loss. He hated hearing aids. Even after my sister, who worked for a reputable hearing aid company, gave him a custom fit set of hearing aids, he refused to wear them because they irritated his ears. My mother lost her voice more than once yelling at my father to answer the phone. He went to the grave not wearing his hearing aids.

When Judy mentioned I was saying “what did you say?” a lot, I went for a hearing test, purposing not to follow my father’s example. When told that I had hearing loss I chose to embrace technology, so I could hear better. I was amazed how these hearing instruments worked. Now I could hear the screaming of my grandchildren in stereo. Yes, at first, they were an irritant. Now they are as much a part of me as my glasses. Twice I forgot to take them out when taking a shower; a near disaster.

Recently I had an updated hearing test. Although my hearing had not deteriorated in six years, my hearing aids were wearing out. The new technology is unbelievable. They are smaller and computerized. I can control volume and direction from an app on my I Phone via Bluetooth as well as answer my mobile phone or listen to music. Not sure what else I can do with them, but they certainly have enhanced my hearing.

I am reminded of the words of Scripture: “Let him, who has an ear, hear….” That I can certainly do.

1 comment:

  1. Ah, I hear you, coming thru loud and clear. Good post Dan. My father also had hearing aids but they seldom did him or us much good because he was too Scotch to buy batteries.
