Monday, July 18, 2016

Root Canal

Root Canal

Just the thought of that awful toothache signaling a trip to the dentist sends shivers down my spine. Anyone who has experienced a tooth in pain knows exactly what I am talking about. I don't mind the occasional cavity, gum check and cleaning but I dread the root canal.

About a month ago I began feeling a little soreness in my back tooth. It started  after my six-month checkup and cleaning. At first I thought it was just the result of an aggressive dental hygienist. But when pain persisted I had my dentist take another look. He referred me to an endodonist (the root canal specialist). I knew then that I was in trouble. He spoke those fateful words, “you need a root canal!”

Over my adult life I have had several root canals, none of which I enjoyed. I vividly remember my first one. At the time I was pastoring a small church in Minneapolis. As the pain increased I decided to go over to the church and pray (we lived in the parsonage next to the church). I prayed like I never prayed before. The harder I prayed for the Lord to heal me, the worse the pain. While I was praying my wife called a dentist who happened to be a member of the church. He came and took me to his office where I experienced the ultimate healing, a root canal.

Modern dentistry has eased some of my primal fears. I can't say that I look forward to the regular check ups. I am still somewhat anxious and my blood pressure is always high. However, considering the risk of more invasive dental procedures, I yield to their wise counsel of brushing twice a day, flossing and semi annual cleaning.

My hope is that dental hygiene will ensure I keep my remaining teeth intact until I see Jesus face to face.

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