Monday, August 7, 2017



Not too long ago I was in a discussion with a friend who retired from a career in the banking business. It was interesting to hear his perspective on the current financial environment of our country. He told me that in college, at his first economic class, the professor wrote TINSTAAFL in capital letters on the blackboard. Turning around he asked his students if they ever hear of this word. No one had so he explained to them the first principle of economics: There Is No Such Thing As A Free Lunch!

I remember my father telling me that very same thing years ago. I believe it was around the time he told me to go out and get a job. I was in high school and never had a paying job. I worked a lot around home picking up dog poop, making my bed, cleaning my room and trying to stay out of trouble. My dad was talking about a real job where you earned money and experienced job satisfaction for work well done.

Since those days I have always had a job. Most of them pastoring. Along the way I learned somethings about manual labor on a job site, clerked in a liquor store, a tobacco store and later a men’s clothing store. I caddied on a golf course at a country club, drove a Big Bud farm tractor, spent a day harvesting wheat, picked strawberries; a carry out boy bagging groceries and working in the produce department at a grocery store. I spent four summers as a counselor at a Boy Scout Camp. In between pastor positions, Judy and I ran a ski lodge in Montana. I am sure there are more but in old age you forgot some.

Interesting enough, none of those jobs ever offered a free lunch. But life was different back then. You were expected to work for your keep even if you didn’t especially like the job. I will say that my varied job experiences added spice to my life. I had opportunities to see how other people lived and worked. I appreciate that I am still healthy physically and mentally to enjoy working!

I like this Biblical admonition: “Those unwilling to work will not get to eat.” So, since there is no such thing as a free lunch, it’s time to roll up our sleeves and get to work.

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